Learning during covid – impossible without technology!
At some point since the outbreak of the pandemic, you have probably wondered how you would have lived through it in a world without the internet. It would have felt a lot lonelier, right? And maybe also a bit more boring without the endless offer of entertainment content? And let’s not forget, it also made it possible to work from home and keep in contact with colleagues.
But what about those who were still studying? With schools closing, children, teenagers, and young adults have not only missed the daily interaction with their peers – which is important enough – they have also suffered at trying to keep up with the study material.
Students in all parts of the world face a number of problems with remote learning
- Teachers can’t always give personalized attention.
- Teachers aren’t equipped to teach via screens.
- Not all children have access to a computer.
- Only one-third of all school children worldwide have internet access at home.
- Wifi connections can be slow in rural areas.
- Learning software can be difficult to understand and connect to.
- Parents can lack the technical savvy to support their children.
During the pandemic, many countries have profited from previous initiatives and have made new efforts to support students in this situation.
In Mexico, the TV channel “Telesecundaria” has been emitting educational programs to reach the rural population since 1968 and a second network, “Televisión Educativa”, shows educational programs for different degrees throughout the day. TV and radio have also been useful during the pandemic to keep students’ minds at work, even if they don’t have access to a computer or the internet.
Already 10 years ago, Uruguay had started Plan Ceibal, a public program to provide all students of public schools with a laptop. This was a big advantage for the country entering the pandemic during which more initiatives were developed. Among them a sort of social network for teachers to upload material and educational platforms like “Matific” which gamifies mathematics to help children learn.
Nicequest and Entreculturas support remote learning
At Nicequest we like to do our part by supporting international charities with donation campaigns. Currently, we work with Entreculturas, an NGO specialized in promoting access to education.
With our campaign called “Education in times of COVID” we want to raise the funds to support 20 teachers and 100 students in different countries in Latin America by…
– Distributing technological tools to teachers and students.
– Training teachers in giving remote lessons.
– Designing and distributing didactic material.

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