Help Jane Goodall Protect Chimpanzees
Did you know that if you are a Nicequest member you can help protect chimpanzees in Senegal? In this article, you’ll learn more about who Jane Goodall is and the story behind this donation campaign.
The story of Jane Goodall
Since her childhood Jane loved nature. She loved to go outside, explore and read about the adventures that explorers had in the woods. She then started imagining what it would be like to be there, in the woods. One of her favorite books as a child was Tarzan, and because of this book, she decided that she wanted to see chimpanzees. Even if others told her otherwise, in the end, she would end up achieving her dream.

In 1957, thanks to the support of her friend, Jane managed to travel to Tanzania. There she studied chimpanzees for more than 5 years and discovered her passion. After spending years studying chimpanzees, in 1986 Jane decided to become an activist and protect this species, whose habitat was continually threatened. A few years later the Jane Goodall Institute was born.
About the Jane Goodall Institute
The JGI has grown to such an extent that it is not only dedicated to the protection of chimpanzees in the Tanzanian reserve but it also protects a total of 3.5 million acres spread throughout Africa ( a total of 3,759.45 km2). In addition, this organization has not only helped chimpanzees, but also a total of 130 communities, including promoting the schooling of girls and women in the area by helping a total of 900 women return to school.

Jane Goodall is currently working for the protection of chimpanzees all over the world, and thanks to her, all the participants in her organization, and to all the collaborators who contribute by donating, the species of chimpanzees and their habitat is increasingly better protected, thus preventing its extinction and reducing the deforestation of forests in Africa. Don’t you think it’s great?
Do you want to participate?
At Nicequest we want to give you the opportunity to donate your Shells and help protect the chimpanzees of the Senegal reserve. With your Shells, you can help improve the habitat of this species, prevent its extinction, and promote the protection of forests to prevent deforestation. Visit the donation section of our website and donate.
Do you want to participate more in this project? Don’t worry! You can donate as many times as you want! We will also continue to offer projects like this to demonstrate that the Nicequest community is a supportive family.
And to you, what do you think of Jane’s story? Do you have any experience with donations in Nicequest that you want to tell? Leave us a comment and share the article with your friends if you liked it!
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